Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sunday Musings: One dollar

About three weeks ago, our pastor handed out dollar bills to each family- each member of each family at church. He challenged each of us to put that dollar toward something that would make more dollars, and on November 1, we are going to turn in those dollars, plus the money that they made. The money will benefit our church's building program.

I thought long and hard about what to do with my dollar, and I just couldn't come up with anything good. Everything I came up with would have been expensive and time-consuming to make, and I didn't think anyone would be terribly interested in what I came up with.

I kept thinking about making art prints with Scripture verses on them, like the one I made here:

I downloaded some new fonts, typed out some of my favorite verses, and I got to work. I came up with these:

I'm selling these prints for $4 for a 5x7 print in an 8X10 mat (sorry, not selling them framed), or $5 for an 8X10 print in an 11X14 mat. If you purchase them online, I will send you the electronic copy for $3. I'll do any Bible verse or quote you want, but I cannot do song lyrics (copyright issues). I also won't create a print of anything inappropriate (sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc). 

I am also selling burlap initial prints, like this one: 

They will also not be sold framed and are $4. I can do any initial, but can only do black ink. 

All proceeds will go to Moon's Chapel Baptist Church. Please email to order prints or burlap initial prints.