Monday, September 28, 2015

DIY: a chalkboard with a purpose

Last week, I started on a chalkboard that I had been making for sometime, got too busy too finish, and then didn't finish.  I'm still not finished, but I wanted to share the progress made thus far. This has been such a failure that I almost didn't want to share it, but I want to be real with my readers. And being real means that you need to know that I don't always have projects that work well.

I'm definitely leaning more toward the "Pin-fail" category with this Pinterest inspired project. The ends are not yet trimmed, and it isn't quite finished, but my stenciled letters are not what I wanted them to be. I'm thinking of getting a friend with a Cricut to cut out "verse of the week" in vinyl for me, seal it and call it a day.I'm thinking of cutting this part off and just making a shorter chalkboard. I feel like it might be too big anyway. Maybe I'll like it better when it's trimmed out, but as of right now, I'm just not feeling it.  The wood-plank to chalkboard thing means that even if you sand your board, the surface is still rough and it makes it hard to write on it with anything other than chalk. I bought some chalk markers and couldn't use them. Boo.

Another thing that changed: the chalkboard was originally intended for the playroom, but I thought I would rather put it in the kitchen for all of us to enjoy. Since it's in a public part of the house, it's going to have to look "public worthy."

I'm thinking of cutting it down, using vinyl to spell out the phrase, trimming it out, and I think that will much improve things. 

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