Monday, October 5, 2015

Getting ready for baby: Packing the hospital bag

I love planning ahead when there are significant events approaching. When I had Emorie, her hospital bag was packed almost two months early. I also way overpacked- I was a first time mother, and I had no idea exactly what I'd need and what the hospital would provide.

This time around, I'm way more conscious of what we need and don't need, but nowhere near as prepared as last time. My doctors told me last week we had probably about four to six weeks before baby comes, so I realized I'd better get my butt in gear.

I knew I would need to pack bags for me and the baby, Michael, and Emorie. Emorie will be staying with relatives, so she will need an overnight bag. We are also making a "big sister kit" for her (more on that later).
The monogrammed bag is mine, the princess bag is Emorie's, and the pink one in the back is Michael's. Yes, it's pink LOL 

The hospital provides almost everything I'll need for the baby, so I didn't pack a lot for her. The following items are in my hospital bag:
My bag contains a coming home outfit for baby girl, an extra outfit, two extra diapers, a plain onesie, baby socks, prenatal vitamins, lip balm, hair ties, a bag of snacks and vending machine money for Daddy, a huuuuge nursing bra for when my milk comes in (no one said postpartum is fun), three nursing tanks, nonskid socks, comfy jammies, and bathroom toiletries. Not pictured: a comfortable going home outfit for me (black stretchy pants and a comfy shirt), Boppy nursing pillow, and a stack of thank you cards and a pen. 

My hospital provides baby diapers and wipes, Vaseline, maxi pads, disposable undies, and post partum healing/pain management supplies. 

Don't forget about Dad's bag! Michael's bag contains his bath stuff and toothbrush, pajamas, two changes of clothes, unmentionables, and extra vending machine money. I didn't take a picture of his bag, since his doesn't have as much.

And here is what is in Emorie's bag: Two changes of clothes, bath stuff, extra toothbrush, haircare supplies, pajamas, blanket and favorite stuffed animals. Not pictured: animals, blanket, unmentionables.
Here is a free checklist you can download to help you pack your hospital bag. Just right click, save it, and print it :) Have a great day! 

Linking to StonegableWorthing CourtCedar Hill FarmhouseConfessions of a Plate Addict, and French Country Cottage!