Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spring Crafts for Kids: "Foot birds"

I found the cutest little Spring craft for my kiddo on Pinterest this week! It came from a website called "C.R.A.F.T.: Creating Really Awesome Free Things!" This website contains massive amounts of cute activities for kiddos, and the title contains three of my favorite things: creative, awesome, and free!

My precious little girl is three and a half. She will be four in June. I love these handprint and footprint crafts. They're so cute and they create such a neat little keepsake for us mamas. I'll keep doing them as long as her little hands and feet fit on the paper...or as long as she lets me. Whichever comes first.

By the way, how cute is she trying on hats during our trip to Michael's this past weekend?

I just "painted" the bottoms of her foot with whatever color I wanted to use and "stamped" her foot onto the paper. Then, I used a brush to paint the breast of the bird where her arch is. I then used a smaller brush to add the a little crest onto the bird's head, the feet, and the beak. Then, I added her initials and the year to the bottom.

I thought these would look sweet in her playroom, so we made three of them and hung them on her wall.

They add a little spring time to her playroom without being overwhelming. I can also keep and display her cute little bird feet for years to come.

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