Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Life on the go: Schlepping your kiddo to three activities a week

Summer is a busy time around here. I know some people will shake their heads at that statement, since I'm a teacher and people think teachers don't do anything during the summer. I beg to differ- I not only spend time with my family, but I also do a number of things for my job, such as gather lesson ideas, attend professional development training, and organize lesson materials for the coming year.

This summer has been completely and totally different, as I've written several lesson plans and gathered lesson materials to prepare for a twelve week maternity leave this fall and winter. I haven't attended professional development training, as I have spent my spare time prepping our home for the baby. The remainder of my time has been spent with my sweet daughter.

This summer has been her busiest summer to date. She is currently attending Vacation Bible School at our church this week, but has also taken swim lessons and is about to start gymnastics. She is also involved in a summer reading program with our local library. She wants to do ballet as well, but since she is only four, I told her she has to choose between gymnastics and dance. She chose gym.

Our busy schedule involves a lot of planning ahead. On days when we are at gymnastics, meals must be quick and easy. The crock pot is my best friend on these days. We also make sure bags are packed and in the van ahead of time. When I take her clothes out of the bag, I make sure to replace the items immediately so nothing is left out. For example, when I take her swim stuff out of the bag to wash it, I instantly put a new towel and swim suit in the bag.

Here's a peek at what is in her swim bag:

A swimsuit and towel, sunscreen, hairbrush, detangling spray, flip flops for locker room, wet bag for swimsuit, sunglasses and goggles. Not pictured: cover up dress and extra panties.

Here is a peek at what is in her gym bag: (she is a beginning gymnast, so she currently has no need for grips, rosin, etc.)

T-shirt and shorts, hairbrush, detangling spray, hairties, hair pins (not pictured).

Hope you enjoyed this post on making "living on the go" easier! Check back soon for more posts on living on the go.

Linking to StonegableWorthing CourtCedar Hill FarmhouseConfessions of a Plate Addict, and French Country Cottage!

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