Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014: A Year in Review

With only a few hours left in 2014, let's take a moment to reflect on this year. 

Personally, it was a pretty rough year. Between a parent being diagnosed with cancer, a miscarriage, burying three relatives and the stress of dealing with all of these things, there were certainly moments when we just wanted to hang it up and just quit.
2014 isn't ending on a good note, either. As I write this, we currently have several family members sick and one in the hospital. All I can say is 2015 will surely be better. 

Since I am writing this post with the intentions of showing you what we did to our home this year, that is what I will do.

We moved in in July of 2013. I was irritated by our nicely sized, but poorly laid out closets. My dad and I promptly installed new shelves in our linen closet. 

We also had our hallway, both bathrooms, and our daughter's new room painted. 

We also tore out the ugly green carpet and had hardwood floors put in her new room, plus her old room. We are going to get it put in our room this spring. 

We also had an invisible fence installed to keep a certain trouble maker of a Yellow Lab at home. 

We have been steadily working on our daughter's big girl room for much of the year, and now lack only a wall hanging and we'll be finished. Watch for it, because that post is coming soon. 

I also finally organized my craft supply cabinet, using items I already had on hand. 

With the number of projects on the to-do list, I am sure next year's Year-in-Review post will be far more eventful. Just please, no one tell my husband I said so. 

Happy New Year, friends. I will see you in 2015. 


  1. Whew! You have indeed been VERY busy!
    Wishing you and yours a joyously happy and healthy New Year!
