Monday, May 4, 2015

The great outdoors: sprucing up with some spring flowers

My husband and I have been working on our yard since we moved in. The previous owners were avid gardeners, but my husband and I work full time, and we have a very busy and active child. Not to mention, being an expectant mother limits what I can help him do.

This weekend, we removed the pasture fence in our side yard. It was not well constructed and was kind of an eyesore. Not to mention, we currently have no livestock and don't plan to get any until our kids are old enough to help care for them. At that point, we will replace the fence with a more decorative white wooden one.

*special thanks to my daddy and my uncle for helping Michael remove the fence! *

Here's a before and after pic:

Before (the only pic I could find was from the real estate listing. Don't sue me, folks.)


This opens up our yard so much! Not to mention, how much easier it will be to mow.

Our container gardens in the back yard were looking like this:

Now, they are looking way better. And by better, I mean the weeds are gone and there are flowers in their places.

My flower pots contain coleus, polka dot plant, and lycanthia. 

My three hanging baskets are all red geraniums. 
I went a little thin on these vincas, because I know they'll spread and grow out some. 

These aren't finished. I've got my thriller and filler but not my spiller. These are ornamental grass and salvia. The salvia will come back every year. 

Next on the list of things to do (know that this list takes place over time): 
1. Pave the sidewalks in the front and back (right now we have these horrible pavers that are going to make someone trip and fall). 
2. Clear all flower beds of weeds 
3. Get new weed block mat and mulch for flower beds (there are five)
4. Install a lamp post in the front flower bed 
5. Replace a few of the plants that were killed by the winter weather (three butterfly bushes, some salvia, and a spruce bush). 
6. Put mulch mats around the seven trees in the front yard. 
7. Replace rest of fencing with vinyl pickets (back yard only) and white wood fence (back and side pastures)
and this one is a big one that will take a few years: 
build a covered front porch onto the front of our house to replace the portico. 

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